blog Productivity

Productivity for those who want more time

Do you need to put an end to your procrastination and increase your productivity? Want to learn how to produce more in less time? Then read the tips we have prepared for you in this article. They are valuable productivity tips for you who want more time with the family, for leisure or simply to rest.

What is productivity?

Productivity is one of the most discussed topics in the routines of professionals and companies, if not the most recurring. And it’s no wonder, after all, productivity influences the agility of a business, a person’s work capacity, efficiency, optimization, and even the value of a service or product on the market.

But, what is productivity?

It’s the ability to perform as many activities as possible with less use of resources. In general, productivity is related to two indicators:

  • The quantity or quality of work done and;
  • The resources used to get the job done.

Tips on how to increase productivity and save up to 2x more time

Being productive means getting more done in less time. And it can make all the difference in your business. After all, you certainly have to deal with a lot of different demands every day.

And if you have a hard time solving or doing all tasks on time, you could end up hurting your career or your business.

Therefore, in this article, we have separated some tips to help you manage your time efficiently. And, consequently, increase your productivity to have more time at the end of the day for you to do what you want. Whether spending time with the family or investing in a personal project.

Check out the following tips.

1. Eliminate obstacles

eliminate obstacles for productivity

In short, productivity is related to time, the number of resources used and the amount produced.

And if you are a person who is always saying you don’t have time for anything, you may be facing many obstacles in your routine that take your time and make tasks longer and more tiring. Therefore, the first point is to define what the obstacles are.

  • What is taking more time in your daily life, more than it should?
  • And when you see an obstacle, what can you do today to solve it?
  • That is, what activities are unnecessary and can be eliminated?

Thinking and evaluating these questions will help you to have a clear view of how you are using your time.

2. Make a to-do list

to-do list to increase productivity

Once you have identified the obstacles that make your routine unproductive, build weekly and monthly task lists. They are important because they will direct your work and your day.

When you divide a large project into small steps or tasks, it becomes easier to carry it out, and it will be easier to achieve the goal or expected results.

You can use an agenda to make your to-do list, as well as using Google Calendar, for example.

The important thing is to list the tasks, at least one day before. This way, you will not waste time organizing, you will be able to take action.

3. Organize your work environment

organize your work and your mind

It may seem like an absurd tip, but what many people don’t realize is that disorganization in the external environment, also causes mental disorganization. In this way, more time and energy is needed to perform quality work.

After all, productivity is not just about productivity and time, but also about quality and the appropriate use of resources.

Also, who likes to work in a polluted or disorganized environment?

A good work environment is one in which you or your team are comfortable to perform activities efficiently.

So, organize your mind, if you need maximum concentration to perform a certain task, ask for the collaboration of others. If you work at home, talk to your family.

And always organize your table the way you feel comfortable and can find what you need without difficulty.

4. Set goals and objectives to improve productivity

If you start a project without a defined goal, you don’t know where to start, let alone what to do to accomplish it. It’s like leaving the house and going around the block because you don’t know where you’re going.

The same goes for activities and your routine. They need to have a well-defined goal and objective. It’s this objective that will indicate what the expected result is, as well as where you want to go when performing a certain task.

In doing so, the chances of achieving the result increases, as does your productivity.

5. Organize and plan your week

As well as the importance of the task list, organizing and planning the week is essential for increasing productivity.

And if you feel that you have difficulty starting your activities, or that you are always rushing to deliver your work on time, understand that perhaps this may be a lack of organization and planning.

Therefore, determine a specific day to list and organize your routine. So, if something unexpected happens, you can reorganize yourself more easily. After all, with an organized agenda, you have a broad view of what you need to do.

In addition, you can measure your performance by crossing out tasks as they are done.

6. Bet on time management

Time is the most important resource in our routine. However, if you cannot manage it correctly, it becomes impossible to have discipline, punctuality, and efficiency in your activities. As a result, you become an unproductive person.

Time management means the ability to know how to use it consciously to:

  • Increase yield;
  • Optimize the performance of tasks;
  • Reduce levels of stress and anxiety due to delays, rework, and activities left to the last hour.

In a nutshell, it’s about learning to have more control over your personal and professional routine. It has to do with how you manage time, that is, how much you spend on each activity.

And a very effective method to help you manage your time better is the Pomodoro Technique.

In short, it’s about working 25 minutes on a task without interruption, and at the end of that time, you take a 5-minute break to rest your mind.

After completing four cycles of 25 minutes of work, plus a 5-minute break, you can take a longer break of 15 to 20 minutes.

This technique will help you not only better manage and manage your time, but it will also help you become more productive, as you tend to focus on one thing at a time.

7. Do one thing at a time

And speaking of focusing on one thing at a time, this is an extremely important tip.

If you believe that to be productive you need to do four or five tasks at the same time, then stop what you are doing.

By focusing on just one task you can more easily remove those obstacles from the first tip, in addition to carrying out activities with greater efficiency and quality.

8. Invest in technology to increase productivity

technology to boost productivity

Last but not least: use technology to your advantage to increase productivity and save time.

There are people who believe that the internet can be a big villain for productivity. However, it can help you in countless ways.

Like, for example: eliminating unnecessary tasks, automating repetitive tasks, organizing processes and archiving documents and information in a simple and practical way.

In conclusion, what about learning to increase your Productivity and Organize your Personal and Business Routine, in a practical and easy way? 

Finally, what did you think about this content? What do you usually do to improve your productivity? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this material with your friends.

Reference material 

  1. YouTube – Personal and Business Productivity     
  2. Set a productivity routine – Google Calendar + Evernote + Calendly   
  3. Organize na Pratica – Courses 

blog Evernote

Evernote: How to organize and find your project files

Evernote is a well-known application. And a good part of its users uses it only as a note’s application. However, Evernote offers endless possibilities of organization, to make your life more productive. So, check out in this article how to organize and find your project files in the email with ease and practicality.

Evernote Web Clipper: Gmail Extensions 

Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote Web Clipper is an online tool that makes it possible to cut out web pages, capture photos, texts, graphics, drawings or any other element of the website, without having to save it entirely. In addition, it also allows you to save emails to free up space and organize your inbox.

With this extension from Google it’s possible to archive and organize files in Evernote very quickly, making your routine easier.

To capture a story or a specific page you have two ways:

  1. Right-click on the Evernote Web Clipper icon and choose the option that best meets your need. That way, when choosing the option, Evernote will automatically create a new note with the information you saved.
  2. The other way is to go to the extensions bar, click on the tool icon, and then fill in the information in the box that will appear for you. And the same happens, when saving the information, Evernote will automatically create a new one with the content

Saving emails to notes 

Now that I know the application that will help me organize my emails and files, how do I save an important email?

First you need to install the extension on your browser (Chrome, Firefox). It’s very simple, just go to your browser’s virtual store and search for the “Evernote Web Clipper” extension.

Then, you will click on “Add to Chrome”, then on “Add extension”.

Soon, you will be ready to use the features of Evernote Web Clipper. And to keep your whole routine organized, we brought you some tips that you can check in the next topic.

How to organize and find your project files with Evernote

how to organize and find files projects

The Evernote app is a tool that was created in 2004 in California and allows you to centralize notes in a single place using various resources.

Evernote already offers numerous possibilities for organization, and the browser extension further increases the usefulness of this tool, improving the user experience and allowing the user to save what he needs and whatever is useful to facilitate his work.

If you work with different projects daily. Or if you need to use e-mail to send proposals, contracts and files and when you need to find something specific you have difficulties, then these two tools are ideal for you.

Categorize emails

One of Evernote’s features is the ability to create notebooks with notes and tags to categorize your files using keywords.

With that in mind, check out some tips below to help you organize your projects files.

Create notebooks for each project: if you work with more than one project simultaneously, it’s a good idea to create a notebook for each of them with their respective names to make it easy to find later. Evernote allows you to create up to 250 notebooks in the Basic plan, that is, the free plan.

Add notes to notebooks considering the subject. For example, in “Project A” notebook, add a note for contractual matters, a note for financial matters, one for commercial and so on. Evernote, in the free plan, allows you to add up to one hundred thousand notes of 25 MB each.

Use the tags to your advantage and categorize the different emails by tags. For example, when adding a new note to the notebook with a proposal email, include the following tags: Project A, proposal email, customer name.

But, why should I include the customer’s name? Simple, Evernote is also ideal for adding customer information. You can create a simple CRM system with Evernote. By including the customer’s name in the search all information about him will appear there quickly.

In the Basic plan, Evernote allows you to save up to one hundred thousand tags, and up to one hundred labels for each note.

Read more: Evernote: Organize your Paper Notes Effectively 

Use the search tool

With all emails saved and categorized, it’s easier to find what you need and when you need it.

Did any potential customer call after a while wanting to reevaluate the proposal to close the purchase? Search for the name of this customer in the Evernote search tool and find the proposal previously sent to the customer’s email within seconds.

In addition to saving time and energy, the chances of closing the sale will be greater, after all, you will have all the information about the customer at hand, facilitating good communication.

What about learning these tips in a practical and fast way? Watch the video below that we prepared for you on how to organize and find project files with Evernote.

Do you want to learn the essentials components to set a productivity routine using Google Calendar, Evernote, and Calendly? Click here to know our course.

Finally, what did you think about this content? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this material with your friends and another entrepreneur.

And take the opportunity to follow incredible videos of Organize na Pratica on YouTube.

Reference material     

  1. YouTube – Personal and Business Productivity     
  2. Set a productivity routine –  Google Calendar + Evernote + Calendly   
  3. Organize na Pratica – Courses 
  4. Sign up for free on Evernote – Click here.
blog Pipefy

5 ways to optimize company processes with Pipefy

Pipefy is an intuitive platform that offers numerous benefits, including optimizing the company’s processes efficiently. So, check out in this article, 5 ways to optimize company processes. As a result, you can see an increase in productivity, as well as in results.

Why optimize company processes with Pipefy?

Searching for and creating effective methods for organizing and structuring tasks within a company is not an easy task. However, thanks to technology, systems have emerged as a strategy to simplify and optimize company processes.

And Pipefy is one of those systems that aims to organize and structure processes through an easy-to-use and intuitive interface. In addition, it offers specific models for each department and for each company’s demand.

Through efficient task management, the company is able to make a more accurate measurement of data and results. As well as perform an efficient control of the various activities of the organization.

Read More: Process optimization: how to implement? 

No matter if your company is big or small, process optimization is able to reduce human and financial resources, as well as repetitive tasks through automation.

In that sense, Pipefy can be a great ally of your company. With your panel inspired by the Kanban system, structure, organize, and monitor all company processes quickly and visually. And in just a few minutes you can do an analysis of the company’s processes. In addition, you can monitor the performance of your team.

Find out more benefits and how to use Pipefy in this article.

With these points in mind, we separated 5 ways to optimize company processes with Pipefy, check below.

1. Optimize company processes: Automate your flow and process management

optimizes the flow of information

First, with Pipefy you can control and automate the flow and manage processes efficiently. So, control all demand requests from employees and even customers, no matter where they come from – email, company website, text, forms, social networks – and efficiently fulfill all demands, optimizing processes from the company.

That way, you can:

  • Decrease the large volume of tasks, simplifying them, or eliminate repetitive tasks;
  • Reduce the processes that demand several people;
  • Optimize business processes by moving information intelligently at different stages of the process, so you will never again miss deadlines or make mistakes due to communications failure;
  • Eliminate tasks that affect the performance of other tasks;
  • Organize tasks that need authorization, keep everything on the boards, and mark the people responsible for analyzing the tasks, so the process will flow more quickly and efficiently.

2. Optimize the recruitment and selection process

Optimizing and organizing the recruitment and selection of candidate processes is certainly one of the greatest challenges for professionals who working in the human resources department. The volume of information is large and, in most cases, they are difficult to examine with the attention they really deserve.

Therefore, investing in technology and in a platform to optimize the recruitment and selection process, makes the process intelligent. In this way, it’s possible to arrive faster in a hiring, and guarantee a more assertive talent attraction.

In this sense, one of the features of Pipefy is to create forms that you can include on the company’s website under the “work with us” page.

Optimize company Processes with Pipefy

Thus, whenever someone fills out the form, the data will automatically be saved in a single place in Pipefy. In this way, you guarantee a more agile and efficient recruitment and selection process.

Organize all stages of recruitment and selection practically, making all information easy to view for any queries. In addition, as Pipefy has an intuitive system, you can structure all stages of the selection process for follow-up. This will save human and finance resources, and time for the recruiting team.

3. Facilitate management of administrative processes

The administrative sector requires a lot of attention and numerous tiring tasks. However, it’s possible to facilitate the management of administrative processes through Pipefy.

Integrations Pipefy

With the system, it’s possible to integrate with other systems. That way, when the day comes when it’s necessary to pay the company’s monthly bills, all areas will be able to send their respective expenses to the finance department quickly.

By using the same system that integrates all areas, in the same panel, it’s easier for the person in charge of the financial sector to manage all deliveries, and thus, pay all bills quickly.

4. Optimize company processes with a practical and intuitive CRM

Pipefy offers a practical and intuitive model for you to create a CRM system in minutes. So, store and retrieve important information in a few clicks, such as customer, supplier, and product registration.

You can even manage your entire inventory with this method. Say goodbye to all manual spreadsheets and securely store and centralize everything in one place. That way, you avoid wasting time having to search for the information you need and increase productivity.

crm system with Pipefy

There are no rules, you can optimize company processes through an efficient CRM system. And with that, you not only improve the relationship with your customers but also increase the company’s sales and results.

Create the system and share it with the team, eliminating the repetition of information, as everyone will have access to the panel quickly. And yet, when creating a new card for a new customer, you can search the database and find out if this customer really has no registration.

Keep all information up to date and facilitate the process of the marketing, sales, and even logistics sector.

5. Automate customer support processes

Optimize company processes - customer support with Pipefy.

Sales are the engine of a company, and to make sales you need satisfied and loyal customers. However, to acquire a good list of satisfied customers, it’s necessary to invest in customer support strategies that really meet the demands of these customers quickly and efficiently.

Therefore, through the automation of customer support processes, your team works more efficiently, and the gains are numerous.

Once again you can use the forms to collect feedbacks, complaints or suggestions for improvement from your customers, and centralize all the information in the cards.

That way, answer requests promptly, and never delay a call. When a customer is well served and in a short time, he feels secure and creates a positive image of his brand, with the possibility of making an indication.

As a result, you increase not only the company’s customers but also profits and motivate your team to work harder and more towards the company’s goals.

Finally, learn in the video below how to optimize company processes with Pipefy, in practice. 

What did you think about this content? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this material with other companies and managers. 

Reference material

  1. Create your Pipefy account here
  2. YouTube – Personal and Business Productivity    
  3.  Zapier – How to Automate your Business and Gain Efficiency     
  4. Set a productivity routine – Google Calendar + Evernote + Calendly  
  5. Organize na Pratica – Courses 

blog Process

How to organize customer support processes

Do you have difficulties in organizing customer support processes? Do you receive frequent complaints due to this lack of organization and the delay in answering calls? Don’t worry! In this article, you will learn how to organize customer support processes effectively, check it out.

What is customer support?

The customer support system is a place where people can ask questions, make complaints or make suggestions for improvement.

Good customer support can greatly increase consumer satisfaction. And it can help your company stand out in the midst of great market competition.

In this sense, to guarantee a good service, an organized system is needed to avoid communication failures.

Optimize and automate your customer support processes

optimize processes

An excellent customer service values ​​communication and an aligned team. For this, your work team must know exactly that the goal of good service is customer satisfaction.

In addition, having an efficient system that makes it possible to distribute, classify and organize important customer requests is extremely necessary.

After all, if the customer has an issue that requires quick service, but waits a long time before being served, he will certainly be dissatisfied. Consequently, it will bring significant losses to your company.

Therefore, a good attendance management system will eliminate outdated spreadsheets, unnecessary papers and prevent you from including all tickets manually, wasting time.

And everyone knows: in business “time is money”.

Gathering all the information you need for good service, in one place, with easy access and quick recovery of the necessary data is the best way to optimize and automate the customer support processes.

With this in mind, check the next topic about how to organize these processes effectively and intelligently by an easy-to-use app.

How to organize your customer support processes effectively

If you have already researched a customer support system, you know that the market offers numerous solutions to make processes faster and more practical.

But, what I want to offer you today is an effective way to organize your customer support system processes through a single application.

A quick and practical method so that you as an entrepreneur or manager can have a broader view and can assess how the processes are, according to the demand of your business.

This way, you guarantee that no email or support is lost. Consequently, you will be able to serve your customers better.

What is the strategy?

Pipefy is an application for organizing and optimizing processes. With it, you will save time, increase productivity and, never again, delay an important customer ticket.

With the platform, you will manage all your customers’ requests in one place and in an agile way, and with the guarantee of excellent service.

It’s an intuitive and flexible system. You can organize your customer support processes and manually add information, or you can automate to make the processes even easier.

With your support created, delegate requests to the people on the team who are responsible for customer service.

Drag and drop

Easily drag and drop requests across the board. That way, when analyzing, you will have an illustrative view of how customer requests are being answered. As well as, if there are any late calls.

Go through the different stages of the process quickly and efficiently. And with just one click you have access to all information about a specific customer’s request.

Centralizing requests

pipefy - customer support

In addition, another feature of this system is that it’s possible to centralize all requests in one place. By creating your customer support board, you can create a form.

Let’s imagine the following situation: customer “X” sent a request by a message on WhatsApp, and the customer “Y” sent the request through the company’s website.

To centralize all tickets, send the form link to the customer, and as soon as he fills it out, that ticket will automatically open in your customer support board in Pipefy.

This way, you will centralize all requests in one place and you will not need to include all information manually.

In addition, Pipefy allows you to include files in this form. In this sense, the customer can send screenshots, contracts, proposals, and everything that is necessary to efficiently support.

Incredible, isn’t it? 

Email requests are automatically saved in Pipefy

Another amazing feature of this platform is: when registering your support email, it’s possible to automatically save customer request emails in Pipefy.

That is, if you received a support request by email, in a few seconds Pipefy will open a new ticket.

That way, you will never again lose requests or fail to serve a customer due to a lack of organization.

In conclusion, define a service process that does not take unnecessary turns. The central idea is to eliminate unnecessary tasks and promote agility in service.

After all, often what your customer wants is something that can be easily resolved. Therefore, there is no need for too many steps to complete the request.

Learning in practice

What about learning how to organize your customer support processes effectively, and in practice?

This way, just watch the video below and take your notes.

Are you tired to waste time managing information from one system to another? Don’t worry! I have a great solution for you.

Click here and learn how to automate your business processes with Zapier.

Finally, what did you think about this content? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this material with your friends and another entrepreneur

Take the opportunity to follow incredible videos of Organize na Pratica on Youtube

Reference material    

  1. Create your Pipefy account here
  2. Youtube – Personal and Business Productivity    
  3. Zapier – How to Automate your Business and Gain Efficiency    
  4. Set a productivity routine – Google Calendar + Evernote + Calendly  
  5. Organize na Pratica – Courses 
blog Process

Pipefy: what is it and how to use

Standardizing and optimizing are the needs of current organizations, which aim at a considerable increase in productivity and in the organization of processes. In this way, we brought in today’s article an intelligent system that promises to end your company’s spreadsheets and forms, as well as solve inefficient processes. Get to know Pipefy and how to use it.

What is Pipefy?

benefits of Pipefy

One of the most fantastic workflow tools, Pipefy was launched with the promise of resolving inefficient processes and increasing team productivity in minutes.

Using the Kanban methodology to monitor the execution of activities systematically, Pipefy was created by the Brazilian entrepreneur Alessio Alionço.

It’s an intelligent management tool that helps your business to organize and execute all the important company processes in one place.

Pipefy main objective is to allow companies to become more organized and productive, making it possible to execute and monitor day-to-day processes and activities in a practical and intuitive way.

With Pipefy you can manage the processes of any department: Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Customer Service, including IT and Help Desk.

Even more comprehensively, with the platform it’s possible to analyze metrics and sales leads, make content marketing planning, sales funnel, among many other possibilities.

That way, you can abandon inefficient strategies like forms, spreadsheets, and even the excess of emails, for example.

Free plan

In summary, even on the free plan, Pipefy offers countless possibilities.

That is, start your organization from scratch using templates that can be customized.

In this plan, Pipefy offers:

  • Up to 5 processes and 10 users, facilitating teamwork.
  • Customizable templates or option to start your processes completely from scratch.
  • Online forms to share with the team or send by email.
  • Email templates to communicate with your customers without the need to leave the platform.
  • Integration with dozens of applications through Zapier.
  • Ability to create up to 50 cards every 30 days.

Click here to start your Pipefy trial.

Advantages of Pipefy 

Certainly, Pipefy offers countless possibilities, and with them countless advantages.

Now that you know what Pipefy is, check below the advantages of using the platform as a business strategy.

Activity tracking


When using the platform, you can structure a process in a few minutes using the Kanban methodology.

All activities to be performed, in progress or completed are visible in cards that can be moved easily between the phases of the process. It’s like a simulation of a production line.

This means more productivity and efficiency in performing tasks.

In summary, with Pipefy, it’s possible to create cards to monitor the evolution of all projects under development, for excellent visual management.

With this, control all demand requests, regardless of where they come from (email, text, form).

Cost reduction

With a simple and intuitive platform, Pipefy gives you the autonomy to automate business processes without depending on the hiring of a person responsible for the IT area, and without needing technical knowledge.

Increases productivity and task efficiency

When the company is very small, activities are usually coordinated by the owner himself.

However, from the moment that demands increase and becomes more complex, it’s necessary to rely on more effective strategies.

This way, using the Kanban methodology to monitor and analyze the execution of activities, Pipefy allows visual management so that everyone is aware of the processes’ progress.

Thus, gaining an increase in productivity and efficiency in the execution of tasks.

Share important documents and files in Pipefy

Pipefy makes it possible for you to share important files, information, and data to facilitate the execution of tasks, as well as to create checklists.

There is no restriction on format or file size.

This avoids the delay in the tasks since all the information necessary for a well-done job will be in one place, visible to all members of the team.



Pipefy offers numerous benefits even with a free plan.

With this, your team will work in a more organized way with gains in productivity and quality.

Therefore, in the free plan, it’s possible to work with a team of up to 10 users, including templates for e-mail, form, among others.

Integration with Pipefy


Finally, one of the numerous advantages that Pipefy offers is the possibility of integration with other tools to optimize tasks.

One example is to integrate with the ERP system to control the cash flow.

Thus, all processes and controls will be in one place.

Read more: Process optimization: how to implement? 

How to use Pipefy

Standardizing the way you work is very simple and can only take a few minutes with Pipefy.

Then, check below a simple and quick step by step on how to use the platform.

First step

To benefit from all the advantages of Pipefy, you need to create a completely free account.

Just go to this link and fill the form.

Second step

Next, you will start to create your account.

To do this, simply include the information that is requested on the screen. Like the image below.

pipefy create an account - how to use

Third step

Finally, to create your account you will include information about your company and the purpose of your process. As in the image below.

how to use Pipefy

Very simple, isn’t it?

Then, after starting the account, you will be ready to create cards and get your business up and running quickly and conveniently.

At the beginning, Pipefy already offers numerous templates to start according to your demand.

templates Pipefy

And yet, when you click on the template, a screen appears with all the information about it. So you will be sure that is the best model for your business.

Did you choose your template? Time to get your hands dirty and pass all the important details of the project to the platform.

In conclusion, as you can see, creating an account is simple and easy. The platform itself is very intuitive and you can start projects from scratch and automate your processes in minutes.

Finally, what did you think about this content? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this material with your friends.

Take the opportunity to follow incredible videos of Organize na Pratica on Youtube.

Reference material   

  1. Create your Pipefy account here.
  2. Youtube – Personal and Business Productivity   
  3. Zapier – How to Automate your Business and Gain Efficiency   
  4. Set a productivity routine – Google Calendar + Evernote + Calendly 
  5. Organize na Pratica – Courses 
blog Evernote

Evernote: Organize your Paper Notes Effectively

Do you have the habit of taking notes on paper? If so, do you know how to find the information you need, and when you need it? In this article, we will teach you how to organize your paper notes efficiently using Evernote. Keep reading to check out our tips and good reading!

Advantages of using Evernote to organize paper notes

Evernote benefits

Evernote is an efficient app of digital notes and organizing.

If you’re still the type who always carries a notebook in hand, don’t worry! You can join the technology and use it to your advantage.

So, check below the main advantages of using Evernote to organize your paper notes.

1. Your paper notes always in your hand

Whether on your phone or computer, your notes will always be with you.

That is, save important notes anywhere and anytime in Evernote. Never lose your ideas.

Best of all, Evernote automatically saves your notes on all devices. 

Read more: Evernote: Paper Notes x Digital Notes

2. Save whatever you want

Not only can ideas be saved, Evernote offers countless uses, you just need a little creativity.

For example, you have a notebook with notes from a college subject that you need to have access to frequently.

That way, pass all that information from your notebook to Evernote in a few seconds. Simply scan your notebook sheet, or include a photo of your paper notes.

3. Emotional memories

Do you want to save the first time your child wrote his name? You can archive it in Evernote.

But, how?

Take a picture of your child writing down the word and save it to Evernote along with the scanned sheet of paper he wrote the name.

And eternize that moment in a simple way.

This is just one of the incredible possibilities that Evernote offers.

Save what you want, use your imagination and consider your needs.

Next, check out practical tips about how to organize your paper notes with Evernote.

How to organize paper notes with Evernote?

paper notes with Evernote

Evernote offers numerous possibilities for archiving and organizing important information. So, you can find a note in a practical and fast way with just a few clicks on your cell phone or computer.

In this sense, we brought a few tips to help you organize your paper notes and make your routine more productive and efficient. Check it out below.

Make your studies easier

In a class, save important notes from the subject or record audios from the teacher’s explanations to recap and study for the final exams.

Do this full time, and never fail to write down any important information in class.

To do this, just open Evernote in the “Studies” section, for example, and create a specific note for each subject. You can include tags with the name of these subjects and specific dates so that it’s easier to find later.

On your cell phone, to create a new note, just click “+”. On the computer, just go to the menu on the left and click on “+ new note”. And choose whether to take a photo of your manual notes or record audio of the subject.

Very simple, isn’t it?

Another possibility is sharing the notes with your friends.

Did you make all the notes and want to share it with that friend of yours who missed class? It’s very simple, just click on the share icon, as in the image below, and send your notes by email.

share notes with a friend

Take manual notes with Evernote

With the advancement of technology, we hardly put a paper and a pen in our backpack to go out.

So, imagine the following situation: you received a call for a job interview, you are in a hurry, with no internet access at the moment and don’t find a paper to write down the address or who to look for.

Very simple: open the application, click on “+” to create a new note, and manually write down the address and the name of the person responsible for your job interview.

Check out the image below.

paper notes with Evernote

Save your paper notes inspirations

It’s very common to find people who like to write and prefer paper notes. However, it’s not always possible to carry the notebook everywhere.

In contrast, the cell phone is always with us. And if you are that person, always take pictures of your paper notes, and archive it on Evernote, so you can continue the idea or the text where you left off, without losing inspiration.

Archive your diaries

Do you like the good old diary to write down about your days? Or simply to clear the mind of so much information that you receive every day?

Many people still use the diary even as a way to record their eating habits in a weight loss program, for example.

This way, Evernote is an excellent app to archive your diaries, and you can keep it on file safely. So, you can access it at any time and everywhere.

To do this, just take a photo or scan the pages of your diaries. That way, as soon as the notebook sheets run out, you don’t have to leave them accumulating dust and taking up space, as all the information will be on Evernote, ready to be consulted at any time.

Collect recipes

cookbook in Evernote

In conclusion, do you want to share that old cookbook with a friend? Scan your favorite recipes in a note, inside the recipe book on Evernote, and share it quickly.

With that, you not only share but also always have the recipe in your hands when you need it, anywhere.

Add notes and tags for different recipes like cakes, pies, bread, and others. So, when you need to consult a recipe specifically, just search with the corresponding keyword and it will be there.

Incredible and simple like that!

Do you want to learn, in practice, how to organize your paper notes effectively with Evernote? So, watch the video below.

Finally, what about learning the essentials components to set a productivity routine using Google Calendar, Evernote and Calendly?

We can help you! Click here to know more.

Reference material   

  1. Youtube – Personal and Business Productivity   
  2. Increase your Productivity – Get Results Faster 

blog Zapier

Zapier: Streamline business processes

Systems can positively influence the success of your business. Much has been said about process automation, and Zapier is an intelligent system that has several advantages, including streamline business processes and making your organization more productive and focused on results. That way, we will describe in this article how you can simplify the processes to achieve the company’s goals effectively.

Why use Zapier to streamline business processes?


Currently, the market has been looking for specialist system options and focused on solving specific company problems. And that makes each department demand a specific system, and with that, the need arises to make the intelligent integration between these systems.

Therefore, Zapier is seen as this solution to intelligently integrate all systems, simplifying your company’s business processes.

With this system, you can organize company processes and integrate data from one tool to the other in a safe, fast and easy way.

And the benefits are many.

Click here and read in this article what is Zapier and what are the advantages of using the system to automate processes.

5 tips to streamline business processes using Zapier

Now that you know why to invest in Zapier to streamline business processes, check out five practical tips on how to use Zapier for that purpose.

As a result, you will be able to increase productivity, reduce costs and resources, as well as gain customers who are always satisfied with the results.

1. Automatically export customers or attendees to Google Sheets

Zapier integration

If you deal with many customers daily or deal with events and need to find a way to control participants in a practical and automatic way, but you don’t know how don’t worry! You can do this with Zapier.

In the first situation, let’s imagine that you are a marketer, or work with sales and need an application to increase traffic, generate more leads and, consequently, more sales opportunities.

Therefore, you can use HubSpot for this purpose, and automatically integrate data into Google Sheets, making processes more agile.

Zapier connects to HubSpot. So when there is a new contact or a new email in HubSpot, it will trigger, and automatically that contact will go to Google Sheets.

In the second situation, let’s imagine that you are an event organizer and need to automate the names of participants who buy tickets for a specific event on Google Sheets.

In this case, when creating a new Zap, you can enter the names in this spreadsheet as tickets are purchased at Eventbrite, for example.

Ticket purchase is a trigger, making Zap automatically integrate the participant’s contact information into your spreadsheet.

So, this will save time, as you don’t have to include names manually every time you sell a ticket. And more, you can avoid mistakes and eliminate unnecessary tasks and with a high chance of errors.

That is, this possibility streamlines business processes.

2. Keep your CRM always up to date

If you use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to organize your customers, create a Zap to automatically integrate new customers for the CRM service you use in your company.

Zapier has compatibility with the following applications: Salesforce, Pipedrive, Capsule, CRM, Streak, RD Station, among others.

Thus, with all your customer data gathered in your CRM, you can have a broad view, and you can consult this data more easily when you need it.

You can see, for example, how many people have purchased a certain product or purchased a particular service.

3. Improve your email marketing strategy

streamline business processes with Zapier

Whenever a new visitor to your site signs up, their email address will automatically be added to your database.

For this, you can connect the data of the platform you use to capture leads to the email marketing sending platform, MailChimp, for example.

You can also configure Zap to include the email address in a specific contact list.

This way, you can automate and streamline the processes of sending email marketing, and send campaigns to specific customers.

4. Create tasks and checklists from notes to streamline business processes

Another feature of Zapier is the possibility of integrating project management software with a note app.

If you use project management software to monitor the development of your team and organize tasks, it’s possible to streamline business processes with Zapier.

But how is it possible?

Create tasks and control your workflow with Asana automatically from new notes. And add reminders in Evernote to meet deadlines exactly.

Zapier is also compatible with other project management and communication apps such as Trello, Gmail, Twist, Jira, Salesforce, and many others.

5. Automate customer feedback collection

One of the countless ways to use Zapier to facilitate business processes is to automate customer feedback.

For this, you can use Google Forms. With it, you can create forms of specific products or services to collect customer feedback. That way you can always improve your business strategies.

In addition, you can integrate Google Forms with ActiveCampaign to send automatic thank you emails. You can even send sales emails, creating specific campaigns for customers who have purchased your product or service.

This integration is also possible with Google Sheets. From this integration, you can create metrics for evaluations and promote improvements in your business.

Learn in the video below how to carry out this process in practice.

Finally, Zapier is capable of integrating more than 2000 applications, with numerous automation possibilities to facilitate business processes.

And if you need help to streamline your processes using Zapier, you can count with our help

Reference material  

  1. Youtube – Personal and Business Productivity  
  1. Zapier – How to Automate your Business and Gain Efficiency  
  1. Increase your Productivity – Get Results Faster 

blog Evernote

Increase productivity in meetings using Evernote

With an agenda in your hands, you arrive at the meeting ready to contribute and make the meeting faster and more objective. Thus, we will show in this article how to increase productivity in meetings using Evernote. As well as listing the benefits of using the system for this purpose. Keep reading to learn.

Advantages of using Evernote in meetings

increase productivity in meetings using Evernote

Evernote’s main objective is to increase productivity by making important information available intuitively on your computer or mobile devices. In addition, it allows this information to be accessed anytime and anywhere practically.

This way, it’s seen as a smart system that can make your meetings faster and more efficient.

Check below the main advantages of using Evernote to increase productivity in meetings.

1. Access guidelines and notes anywhere

Most people like post-its and go out and write down important information on colored papers.

However, you can’t go out carrying post-its anywhere and risk losing some information.

This is where Evernote comes into play.

It can be accessed anytime and anywhere, whether, on a desktop computer or a mobile device, your meeting minutes, or your calendar will always be with you.

In addition, it has an automatic synchronization even in offline mode, so you will never lose your notes, even if you don’t have internet access at the time of the meeting.

So, the whole process of writing, finding, selecting, and learning information is much easier with Evernote.

2. Duplicate notes to increase productivity in meetings

Creating templates and duplicating notes is one of Evernote’s many features.

So it is possible to create meeting minutes templates or calendar templates and duplicate notes so that you can save time and do not have to create everything again.

You will only have the job of filling in the important information as the meeting progresses.

Read more: Evernote: Paper Notes X Digital Notes

3. Create calendars

Finally, use Evernote to create detailed meeting schedules, making sure that each topic is dealt with in a timely manner.

So you avoid wear and tear and eliminate endless meetings.

In this agenda, you can include the objectives of the meeting, the time needed for each of the subjects to be addressed, a checklist with the points of discussion, as well as those responsible for each of the subjects, and a field for general notes.

In the next topic, check three tips about how to increase productivity in meetings using the app and making your meetings faster.

How to increase productivity in meetings using Evernote

With all the benefits that the application can provide, taking notes has become simpler and easier.

Next, check out three tips on how to increase meeting productivity using Evernote.

1. Get the meeting agenda ready to increase productivity in meetings

Many of the meetings require you and your team to discuss project details, important documents, financial data, or effective human resource management.

Usually, these details need to be planned so that everything is discussed in order to resolve any doubts or errors in the processes.

Therefore, before the meeting, leave the agenda prepared to facilitate and make the meeting objective, avoiding losing focus on matters that can be discussed at another time.

Check out a template below.

meeting notes

Create a template that makes sense to you and your team or customers, and include the information as the meeting progresses.

2. Include attachments in your notes

Documents, audios, images. Any file item can be attached to your meeting note.

It means that if you have a contract signed at the meeting, after being signed, you can scan the document and include it in the meeting note, so whenever you need to review or consult any information, you will know how to find it quickly.

Another facility is to record audios.

evernote digital notes

Ask permission from the meeting members and record the entire meeting so that it is easier to remember the details later, or consult some important information.

To do this, just open the note that you want to include the audio, click on the clip at the top of the note, and then “record audio” or “file audio”.

3. Share your notes with the team

Meeting held, it’s time to share the information with the team so that everyone is aware of what was discussed, whether they are or not in the meeting.

To do this, just open the meeting note and click on “share”.

You can email your note link to team members, or simply invite people to access the note.

Very simple, isn’t it?

Use Evernote to increase productivity in meetings at all times

Evernote can be a great ally and can help you not only to increase productivity but also to manage your time more effectively.

Before the meeting

Create a meeting agenda in minutes, share the information with all participants before the meeting begins.

That way everyone will be aware of the issues that need to be addressed.

Besides, it’s possible to place attachments that need to check before the meeting by the members.

You can also include these attachments and share them in a practical way.

During the meeting 

Choose a person to take notes of the meeting. If applicable, scan and include important documents.

They can be made in the application itself, or in the notebook and then scan these notes with a few clicks.

In addition, when determining the tasks, choose those responsible for each task and a date for the execution, as well as delivery deadlines.

An interesting feature is that it’s possible to add reminders that will be sent to each of those involved.

After the meeting

After the meeting is held, each member is responsible for fulfilling their tasks and checking the checklist as soon as they finish.

In this way, it’s easier to monitor the progress of the processes and also leave everything noted for the next performance monitoring meeting and possible decision making.

Finally, learn in practice how to increase productivity in meetings using Evernote in the video below:

What did you think about this content? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this material with your friends.

Take the opportunity to follow incredible videos of Organize na Pratica on Youtube.

Reference material 

  1. Organize na Pratica – Courses
  2. Youtube – Personal and Business Productivity  
  3. Increase your Productivity – Get Results Faster 
  4. How to Automate Asana Tasks creation using Evernote – Zapier
blog Evernote

Evernote: Paper notes x Digital notes

Do you want to know a practical, easy, and efficient way to organize your whole life in one place? In this article, we will show you what the advantages of digital notes are for paper notes and how to use Evernote to boost your productivity. All this quickly and available to access anywhere. Check out.

Paper notes or Digital notes?  

Evernote to organize routine

The habit of taking notes and recording your ideas in notebooks can be a transformative way to increase your productivity and optimize your daily tasks. In addition, it allows you to stay focused on your goals.

However, with the advancement in technology, papers are increasingly replaced by intelligent systems and apps.

Some say that using papers is the most practical way, and still uses and abuses of post-its or notebooks.

But is this the most effective way to store information?

Among so much information accumulated daily, do you know how and where to find the information you need and when you need it?

This is one of the main advantages of choosing digital software to take notes.

You can take notes in one place and categorize them, so you can find the information you need more quickly and easily.

Keep all your creative ideas and commitments always in your hands.

Why choose Evernote to archive my notes?

Evernote has become increasingly popular with a specific audience of people who use its many organizational resources.

It’s seen as a second brain and offers many possibilities for organization.

That’s a smart organization application capable of storing all your important information and notes, then you have a more productive life. And the best: all this in one place.

It’s the ideal application to keep track of your tasks, manage and organize your main projects, organize your calendar.

And all this in a simple and very organized way.

In addition, it allows you to add attachments to notes such as: audios, videos, images, documents, scan handwritten notes and personal documents, among others.

Check below the main benefits of choosing Evernote as an organization application:

1. Research tool

Unlike conventional notepads, Evernote has an incredible search tool.

If you have trouble organizing, don’t worry!

One of the most amazing features of Evernote is: you can do a search for when you need to check any important notes.

You can even search within files and, for customers who have a Premium account, the application has optical image recognition.

Incredible, isn’t it?

2. Synchronization on all devices

Digital notes

Evernote app has the synchronization feature, so you can keep your ideas and tasks close at hand.

That way, it will be easier to keep your organizations centralized all in one place and consult them when you need it.

Moreover, Evernote saves all digital notes online and makes them available to all your devices quickly and intelligently. Thus, you don’t lose inspiration or that important note at home.

3. Evernote is available in all operating systems

Finally, one of the most striking features is that Evernote is everywhere.

Available for Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS, and even Windows Phone.

There are no excuses for not installing the software on your computer or on your cell phone and taking advantage of all the possibilities that Evernote can bring to your life.

Organize your life in every sense with Evernote


Now that you know the subject, it’s time to understand what the application is for.

With Evernote, you can organize your life in every way, efficiently and even as an extra bonus: to boost your productivity!

What are the gains?

With an organized life you have more time to be with family, friends or simply to be alone and carry out the activities you enjoy most.

Organize your personal life

In the application, it’s possible to add shopping lists, checklist of daily tasks, accounts payable monthly, travel and event organization, bank statements, transfer receipts and paid bills, organize slips and invoices.

Moreover, it is possible to add progress in a change in diet or to include exercise habits.

All this in a very easy and practical way. Plus, you can take your notes anywhere and at any time.

Organize your financial life

Did you know that it is possible to organize your financial life with Evernote?

Yes, it is possible!

And with the tag feature, this option is even easier and more practical.

You can organize both your personal and professional financial lives.

For this, create a notebook for each one and organize through tags, you can add so that is easier to find when you need, for example, a payment receipt.

You can add as many tags as you want to facilitate a search. Check an example in the image below.


Through the app, you can also add reminders so you never forget an important event or forget to pay a ticket.

Organize your professional life

There are so many projects and tasks that we have to do every day, that it’s difficult to manage everything in the mind.

Through intelligent software, it is possible to record all stages of a process using notes or a checklist of daily tasks to facilitate work, increase efficiency and productivity, without losing quality.

In summary, moreover to having features and a simple-to-use interface, Evernote is ideal for organizing your schedule, so that it is always at your fingertips.

Also check: How to boost productivity using Google Calendar

Organize your academic life with Evernote

evernote to organize academic life

Finally, organizing your study routine has never been easier.

As we saw earlier, Evernote allows you to add attachments to notes.

Therefore, archive your audios of teachers, videos of classes, images of mental maps to optimize your studies, documents of important subjects to your study notebook, and everything that’s important and can facilitate your academic life.

And yet, it is possible to scan handwritten notes in your notebooks and personal documents, among others.

What did you think about this content? Leave your opinion in the comments and share this material with your friends.

Reference material 

  1. Youtube – Personal and Business Productivity  
  1. Increase your Productivity – Get Results Faster 
blog Zapier

Zapier: what is it and how to use

Technology is the basis for task automation. With technology, it’s possible to optimize and automate tasks that don’t require any human intervention. Therefore, investing in Zapier can be an excellent strategy to boost your company’s productivity and results.

Check out in this article what is Zapier and what are the main benefits.

What is Zapier?

As technology evolves and the digital market grows, solutions emerge in order to make work processes faster and more dynamic. 

In short, entrepreneurs and employees daily deal with numerous strategies and tools to facilitate processes. And integrating all of these tools may not be an easy task.

But the news is good: Zapier is the solution for this moment. 

Zapier is a web tool that allows you to automate actions between the different apps that you use every day to manage your business.

Also check: What are the benefits of standardizing processes? 

What does that mean?  

That is to say, with Zapier, you organize processes and integrate data from one tool to another safely, easily, and quickly.

For instance, it is possible to integrate services in Zapier such as:

  • Gmail; 
  • Google Sheets; 
  • Google Calendar; 
  • Trello; 
  • Asana; 
  • MailChimp; 
  • CRM software; 
  • Facebook Lead Ads, among others. 

Surprising, isn’t it? 

Watch the video below and learn how to use Zapier to automate Gmail Email, Google Sheet, and Todoist. 

There are five different plans for those who want to invest in the tool, namely: Free, Starter, Professional, Team, and Company. 

Each of them has its specifications and limitations. 

From the professional plan, you have an unlimited number of apps that can be integrated into the platform.

Click here to know the specifications of each plan. 

Benefits of Zapier 

Now that you know what Zapier is, check out the main benefits of this tool.

Automate your business

1. Cost reduction 

You can hire a developer to create a custom integration, or you can do all the integration practically with Zapier.

If you choose the second option, you can reduce the costs of hiring one or more than one person to manage and integrate all the tools you use day by day manually.

This will also enable employees to focus on more important activities. 

In addition, an entrepreneur is always looking for solutions that bring savings and more results. And Zapier is a tool that allows the company to achieve these goals.

If you need help to streamline your processes using Zapier, you can count with our help.

2. Increased productivity 

By investing in systems that provide effective automation of important company processes, it is possible to increase productivity

After all, the focus is to concentrate on delivering value and quality, impacting the customer positively.

To sum up, using Zapier, employees have more time to be strategic and to improve what the company delivers. Do more things with less effort.

3. Satisfied customers 

The use of technology has an impact not only on the way companies work or manage their processes but also on the demand that the customer has on the solutions they look for.

Therefore, it’s essential to have strategic planning in your organization that seeks to reduce costs and boost productivity, and consequently, the quality of the products or services offered.

And this is an important benefit of the tool, it brings positive results for the company and for the customers in general.

4. Easy to use tool

It’s wrong to think that it’s necessary to have an advanced knowledge in IT to use the tool.

Certainly, with basic knowledge, it’s possible to make good use of the solution. Moreover, there’s no need to designate a specialized person to carry out the necessary automation.

In conclusion, the tool has a very intuitive and practical interface, making its usability easier.

Do you want to learn how to boost your productivity with Zapier, check out here our course.

5. Integration across sectors

Finally, the common use of Zapier is linked to the marketing area.

However, it’s possible to use the tool to facilitate the processes of different sectors. Such as, for example, financial management, data collection for the human resources sector or simply to centralize and organize your contacts.

What is possible to do with Zapier?

benefits of Zapier

In conclusion, now that you know what Zapier is and what are the main benefits, it’s time to learn, in a very practical way, what you can do with Zapier.

In general, there’s not much difficulty to understand how Zapier works. After all, as stated above, one of its benefits is the ease of using it.

Firstly, each integration you make between two tools will be called a “Zap”. 

Secondly, what applications can I integrate with the platform? 

Below is a list of commonly used applications and their functionality:

  • To centralize your contacts: Excel, MailChimp, Contacts+, Salesforce;
  • Capture leads and business: Google Sheets, Typeform, Gravity Forms;
  • Receive notifications and alerts: Gmail, Outlook, Slack; 
  • Financial management: Nibo, Granatum; 
  • Control actions and manage projects: Asana, Trello; 
  • Manage processes and organize the agenda: Google Calendar, Agendor; 
  • Automate customer feedback: Google Forms 
  • Among others. 

In other words, there are countless possibilities for automation to make processes more efficient and deliver results with even higher quality. 

In addition, learn in the video below how to automate customer feedback using Zapier.

Finally, do you want to learn how to automate your business and increase efficiency?

Moreover, even if you are a beginner or never used Zapier before, you will learn how to start and configure your own automation in this material.

Reference material 

  1. Youtube – Personal and Business Productivity 
  1. Zapier – How to Automate your Business and Gain Efficiency 
  1. Increase your Productivity – Get Results Faster